Month: April 2023

  • Living and Loving Belize

    Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work or study abroad? Maybe on an island far away? Or are you just ready for a vacation somewhere new for you? On today’s episode Autumn Shields invites you to come along on her Belize adventure where she spends her winters, on the beautiful island of Ambergris Caye. Tune in to hear why Autumn is living and loving Belize!

    Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode: 

    • The benefits of travel and how it can change your perspective 
    • The culture and people of Belize
    • The different ways you can visit or work abroad.

  • Don’t Buy The Lie

    On today’s episode Autumn Shields invites her husband, Mike Tarantino, on the show to discuss their “dream life” and the lies they bought along the way so you don’t buy the lie. Are you working towards a dream? A dream job or career? A successful business or large net worth? Maybe it’s a specific lifestyle. Maybe it’s the dream of retirement, so you can sit back and relax!  Whose dream is it?  Is it yours?  Or is it the dream you see on tv or the dream that people are living as you scroll through social media? Is it a dream that you believe if you “get there” you will be fulfilled?

    Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode: 

    • Creating a life that is yours and not someone else’s dream
    • Learning what makes you feel alive to create your own path versus the road you were told to take by someone else
    • How buying the lies can leave you unfilled 
    • How a title doesn’t define you because you are bigger than a title
    • How seeking comfort can make you uncomfortable

    Connect with Guest Name: Mike Tarantino

    Connect with Autumn Shields:

  • Harmful Side Effects of Self Development

    Are you tired of the constant pressure to improve yourself and become the best version of you? Self-development has become a massive trend in developed countries, but have you ever considered the potential downsides? In this thought-provoking podcast episode, Autumn Shields delves into the harmful side effects of self-development and what she learned from it. Don’t miss out on this eye-opening discussion that challenges the popular notion that self-improvement is always a good thing. Tune in now to gain a new perspective on the self-development craze and discover how it could be impacting your life.

    Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode: 

    • The downside of self development
    • The upside of self development
    • Why connections with others is so important
    • How you can focus on self development and connections with others
  • Fuel Your Fire: Affirmations for Mental Strength and Resilience

    In this short and powerful bonus episode, Autumn Shields is going to share a series of mental toughness affirmations that you can say out loud to yourself to help you build resilience, overcome challenges, and develop a stronger mindset. These affirmations have been carefully crafted to help you rewire your thought patterns and develop a more positive and empowering inner dialogue. Whether you’re facing a difficult situation, struggling to stay focused, or simply looking to improve your mental toughness, these affirmations will provide you with the motivation and inspiration you need to push through and achieve your goals. So tune in now and discover the power of mental toughness affirmations!

    Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode:

    • Affirmations for mental strength and resilience. 
  • Marching To The Beat Of Your Own Drum

    Are you tired of feeling stuck and living life based on what others think of you? Are you ready to start marching to the beat of your own drum and pursuing your wildest dreams? Then you don’t want to miss today’s episode with Rusty Diamond, C.H. – a true inspiration and embodiment of living life fully alive! During our conversation, Rusty shared how he listened to his inner knowing and pursued his calling in life, even when it meant transitioning through multiple careers. He also provided powerful insights on how to overcome fear and take action, no matter how crazy or daunting your dream may seem.

    From hypnotist to comedian, wrestler to ordained minister, Rusty has followed his passions and lived a life that’s true to himself. And in this episode, he shares the wisdom he’s gained along the way to help you do the same. So, if you’re ready to break free from the limitations of others’ opinions and pursue your wildest dreams, then join us for this inspiring conversation on how to start marching to the beat of your own drum!

  • Harmful Side Effects of Self-Development

    I recently saw a video of a woman talking about how bad self-development can be and it should be avoided at all costs. She went on about other things that seemed extreme, so I immediately dismissed it.  This video bothered me for days. I just couldn’t shake the part about self-development and wondered why it triggered me.  

    Perhaps it’s because I have been a student of self development for as long as I can remember. The books, the courses, the workshops, oh my! I don’t remember a day I haven’t made self-development a part of my daily routine. I love soaking up ideas and tools that can help me become the best version of me. I have learned to stretch and challenge myself. I’ve even written and published a self-development book! How can self-development be a negative thing?  

    Self-development has become a popular trend in recent years, with many individuals seeking to improve themselves and achieve their goals through various techniques. So I asked the question, “How can self-development be harmful?” Here is what I found.

    While self-development can undoubtedly have its benefits, such as increased self-awareness, confidence, and motivation, there is a potential downside that is often overlooked: a focus on self can lead to a disconnection from others. Which can lead to unhappiness. 

    If self-development has been the trend in recent years, why is it that people feel less happy now? Gallup has been polling Americans on how they are feeling about different aspects of life and policy issues for the last two decades. Just this year, across those 29 different measurements, 38% of Americans say they’re satisfied in life.

    In today’s world, we are bombarded with messages that emphasize the importance of self-care, self-improvement, and self-actualization. However there is barely a whisper about the importance of connecting with others or how to improve the community in which you live.  

    Self-development often places a significant emphasis on individual achievement and personal success. While this can be motivating and empowering, it can also create a culture of individualism. This can lead to a lack of connection and empathy towards others, which can have negative consequences on our relationships and overall well-being.

    Furthermore, self-development can create a narrow focus on individual achievement, where the measure of success is often based on external factors such as wealth, status, and material possessions. This narrow focus can lead to a sense of competition and comparison with others, further isolating us from the connections that are vital to our emotional and mental health.

    Human beings are social creatures, and our connections with others are essential for our well-being and happiness. It can provide us with a sense of purpose and belonging. When we focus too much on self-development, we risk neglecting the connections that are vital to our emotional and mental health. The Roots Of Loneliness Project found that in 2022, 52% of Americans reported feeling lonely and 47% of people reported that their relationships with others are not meaningful. 

    I was on a plane from Miami to Boston a few weeks ago when I met the sweetest twin girls who were in their early twenties. They were originally from New York but were currently living in the Boston area. As we spoke about the adjustment from leaving home and moving to another state, one of them said, “We are finding it really difficult to make friends. It seems like no one wants a friend.”  In other recent conversations, I have heard similar comments from other young people. I have heard, “I don’t really have time to invest in friends.” Even from an eleven year old who said, “I don’t need friends, I have everything I need.” So do we really need each other or is it just one more thing we can take off our endless to do lists?

    The Harvard Study of Adult development learned that it is close relationships, not money, intelligence or one’s genetic makeup, that creates lifetime happiness. By prioritizing connection with others, we can develop a sense of empathy, compassion, and understanding towards others. This can lead us to build more meaningful relationships as well as a more fulfilling life.  

    There are also many studies that have shown correlation between relationships and your life span. A recent 2002 study published in the Annual Review of Public Health on lifespan by BYU psychology professor, Julianne Holt-Lunstad, found that relationships matter more than genetics when it comes to aging well and longevity.  

    Let that sink in. Relationships can provide you more happiness, health and longevity. 

    So what do we do? Self-development and connection with others are not mutually exclusive. It’s possible to prioritize self-development while also prioritizing connections with others. Finding a balance between these two goals is crucial for achieving long-term success and happiness. This shift in focus can provide a sense of purpose and connection while also allowing us to grow and develop as individuals. It’s a win- win! 

    So can we cheer each other on while we are trying to become the best version of ourselves? Can we be friends?  I would really like that! You can find me here: If you aren’t feeling the nudge to reach out to me, please do something to better yourself today and connect with someone else in a meaningful way.