Hello! I'm Autumn.

In the eighth grade, I felt my first big nudge to help others. It led me to a degree in Sociology/Psychology and my first career in law enforcement serving crime victims. While I watched my friends go from job to job, I thought, “This is it! I will be doing this for the next 30 years!”

But that’s when I learned that “nudge” wasn’t the only one I would experience. 

As I’ve grown, I learned that ignoring these nudges turned me into a hot mess. Instead of surrendering to these nudges, I had a few out loud tantrums about what I wanted. I was uncomfortable and had to question everything I knew. 

But I also learned that these nudges were guides to living my life fully alive. Once I surrendered to where the journey took me, I stepped into living an authentic life where I am fulfilled…and I get the opportunity to serve others on the same journey. 


Les Brown says, “Too many of us are not living our dreams, because we are living our fears.”

Today matters! Looking at where you are today gives you a place to start and helps you see the steps you need to take to move in the direction you are being called.

If you’re ready to live out your dreams, I can support you!

How Can I help you?

Work With Me

Guidance to hit your revenue goals and build a life you’re madly in love with.

Speaking + Consulting

Inspire your team to making a lasting impact on your business and community. 


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I believe in the power of giving back which is why a portion of everything I do goes to Ocean Conversancy. This is an amazing organization working to protect the ocean from today's greatest global challenges to create science-based solutions.