
  • Marching To The Beat Of Your Own Drum

    Are you tired of feeling stuck and living life based on what others think of you? Are you ready to start marching to the beat of your own drum and pursuing your wildest dreams? Then you don’t want to miss today’s episode with Rusty Diamond, C.H. – a true inspiration and embodiment of living life fully alive! During our conversation, Rusty shared how he listened to his inner knowing and pursued his calling in life, even when it meant transitioning through multiple careers. He also provided powerful insights on how to overcome fear and take action, no matter how crazy or daunting your dream may seem.

    From hypnotist to comedian, wrestler to ordained minister, Rusty has followed his passions and lived a life that’s true to himself. And in this episode, he shares the wisdom he’s gained along the way to help you do the same. So, if you’re ready to break free from the limitations of others’ opinions and pursue your wildest dreams, then join us for this inspiring conversation on how to start marching to the beat of your own drum!

  • Quit Asking For Permission!

    Are you holding back from living your life fully alive because you are waiting for permission from someone else?  Are you delaying sharing your gifts with the world because you are waiting for confirmation from an outside source? In this episode Autumn Shields shares why waiting on getting permission is not serving anyone and gives advice on how to trust yourself. 

    Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode:

    • Why you may tend to ask permission.
    • Identifying areas we ask permission.
    • Giving yourself permission to live out what you are called to do.
    • Finding the courage to do so.