
  • Hacking Life Hacks

    On today’s show, Autumn Shields will be discussing the age-old question of knowing when to let go of a life hack and when to incorporate it into our lives. It’s all too easy to get caught up in the latest and greatest life hacks, but not all life hacks are for everyone. She’ll be talking about how to identify the life hacks that don’t fit in with our lifestyles and how to move on from them. Plus, Autumn will be sharing three tips for finding the life hacks that do work for you! Join in to learn more about how to make the most out of life hacks, and how to determine which ones are the best fit for you.

    Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode:

    • What are life hacks?
    • How life hacks can do more harm than good. 
    • My top 3 tips on identifying which hacks are best for you. 

  • From Frazzled To Fierce

    Today’s episode will ‘wow’ you! You will learn how to create that life that you have been working towards, but can’t seem to make it happen because something is missing. This is it! You will hear from our guest, Delynn Miller, who is an entrepreneur, life coach and co-founder of Pursuit Institute. She shares how she traded in her six-figure salary for a five-star life and a multi seven-figure salary. Listen now to hear more tools you can implement to help you go from frazzled to fierce. It’s time to start living a life that you don’t need a vacation from!

    Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode:

    • How your mindset will make you or break you.
    • How you can create a different mindset and go from frazzled to fierce.
    • How to figure out where you are now and where you want to go.
  • Finding Gratitude! Does It Really Matter?

    Do you want more from your life? More happiness? Better health? Deeper relationships? Increased productivity? What if there is one strategy that can help you in all of those areas? One strategy that can help is to develop the habit of gratitude! In this episode, Autumn Shields talks about reflection, the highlight reel of our lives, and gratitude so we know how to move forward with more depth, more understanding, and more clarity of what helps each of us live fully alive. Giving thanks and expressing gratitude is one of the oldest concepts in society. It reminds us of how special, beautiful, and blessed our lives are even when we are faced with challenging, stressful, and overwhelming situations. If you’re wondering how gratitude can impact your life or you’re looking for ways to infuse your life with more appreciation and thankfulness, don’t miss this episode!

    Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode:

    • Reflecting on the last year of our lives.
    • What gratitude is
    • Ways to introduce gratitude into your daily routine.
  • Walking In Your Own Shoes

    Have you ever looked at memories from when you were a baby and thought about who you have become since then? Autumn Shields was going through old boxes she had laying around when she came across her old baby shoes that were dipped in bronze. This took her back in time and made her introspect on how much she had changed not only since she was born, but even within the last 5 years. It’s easy to get stuck looking ahead at your future and not realize who you are or what you have become. If you have been feeling stuck, not enough, or are in a scarcity mindset, tune into this episode. The exercises Autumn Shields gives you will help you build confidence and will allow you to be grateful for where you have come from, what you have accomplished, and for who you are today. 

    Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode:

    • Who we are, walking into 2022.
    • Discovering who we want to be in the world.
    • Putting action toward living fully alive this year as our true, authentic self.