
  • What’s The Worst That Can Happen?

    Got worry? Are there times your mind comes up with every bad scenario and you can’t seem to shut it off? Do you get overwhelmed and feel drained from constant worry and anxiety? Constant worrying, negative thinking, and expecting the worst can take a toll on your emotional and physical health. Autumn Shields brings in Jen Costantino to discuss what it’s like being a chronic worrier and how Jen overcomes it daily by implementing certain tools. When situations come up that are out of your control, you can ask yourself, what’s the worst that can happen? In result, your brain doesn’t spiral down an irrational path of what ifs. Join Autumn Shields and Jen Costantino as they break the cycle of worry and they start focusing on taking control where they CAN, and you can too! 

    Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode:

    • Where worry comes from and how it’s adopted as a belief system
    • Breaking the cycle 
    • Tools you can implement daily to worry less