Turning Down The Noise
Did you know that there are hidden forces we encounter everyday that can change our thinking and affect our behavior? Have you ever thought about how everything you see and listen to on a daily basis can affect you? There is so much ‘noise’ surrounding us as we live our day to day lives, it can be hard to realize how it influences us. In this episode, Autumn Shields breaks down what negative noises are, how we can recognize them in our own life, and steps to turn down that noise so we can start listening to our own voice instead. These negative noises constantly pull us one way or another by instilling some type of fear. All day long we are distracted from listening to our own voice by seeing signs on the side of the road, from non-stop notifications, and from always listening to radio stations, podcasts, or music. Autumn wants you to take your life into your own hands so you can start owning your truth and your voice. Don’t miss this week’s episode. It may be exactly what you needed to finally let go and start living your life alive.