Month: February 2021

  • Silencing Your Inner Critic

    Do you realize how much you talk to yourself?  Are you aware of your inner critic?  Do you hear this constant chatter box?  And what is she or he saying to you all day long?  Are you listening?

    Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode:

    • How to recognize what you are saying to yourself
    • Learn tools on how to change negative thoughts into positive ones
    • How positive self-talk can help you live your life fully alive

    To register for the “Step Into Your Authentic Self” virtual event click here:

  • Living Alive In The Bedroom

    Do you feel like you are living your life alive sexually? Do you feel like you could be getting more out of your sex life? April Monica, a Female Empowerment and Sexuality Coach shares how to get out of your head and into your body to better enjoy the pleasure of sex. She guides women to awaken their sexuality by using ancient spiritual practices from Taoism and Tantra. But, don’t worry guys, you will receive information from this episode to enhance your life in the bedroom as well. 

    Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode:

    • How to evaluate what your beliefs and programming are about sex. 
    • How to get out of your head and into your body during sex. 
    • How to attract what you really desire sexually.
  • Playing The Comparison Game Can Bench You

    Are you caught up in life playing the comparison game? Do you find yourself comparing yourself to others in certain areas of your life? Do you find this helpful or hurtful? Is it serving you or paralyzing you? 

    In this episode:

    • You will learn tools to help you recognize when comparing yourself to others is not serving you. 
    • You will learn how to change your thoughts towards comparison and judgement. 
    • You will learn how you celebrate and live your life more alive by stepping out of the comparison game. 

  • Money! Money! Money!

    Money! Money! Money! What is your relationship to money? How does it affect you from living your life fully alive?

    Do you get a sick feeling when you think about money? Are you constantly worried whether or not you’ll make ends meet because you can’t seem to find a way to manage your finances? Or maybe you make more than enough money, but you don’t have a good working strategy on how to use it to live your life alive? There’s a good chance you’re not alone! Money is one of the most thought about things in the world, but little is spoken about the relationship we have with money. Holly Morphew was in massive debt and decided enough was enough! She now is the founder and CEO of Financial Impact and just released a book titled “Simple Wealth,” which just hit #1 on Amazon in nine different categories. In this episode you will learn how to create personal wealth and financial independence. Listen in! You won’t want to miss the prime tips that you can put into action today!

    Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode:

    • Shifting toward an abundant mindset.
    • Creating your vision.
    • Action steps to take toward personal wealth and financial independence.
    • Money can be very simple